Woven throughout the story are historical issues dealing
with prohibition, women’s rights, corrupt politicians and the fight to preserve
wilderness areas in Minnesota. Yet
despite all of these social problems, the story has an easy to read nature
which makes it accessible to middle school and teenage readers. I wouldn’t recommend this to elementary
students since there are mature themes dealt with in the novel.
The book trailer is beautiful and photographed in Rainy
Lake. Also, this month the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer magazine ran an
article about the historical preservation of Rainy Lake from the 1920’s. As I skimmed through the magazine when it
came to the library, I realized how closely this related to the book
Frozen. In the magazine you will
discover the real names of some of the characters described by the author. You can read the issue online: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/volunteer/novdec12/toc.html
I think this is a very good addition to historical books about Minnesota history for young adults and gladly recommend it as a good read.